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Friday, March 14, 2014

Comfy, Cozy, Casual Friday

I love reading blogs where people photograph and show off their outfits. There are some really stylish people out there! I’ve seen many outfits and pieces I would wear and many that I wouldn’t, but the outfit works for the person wearing it. It is all about individual style and being comfortable and confident in who you are. Maybe one day I will get John to photograph my outfits and post them, but I would have to get over him telling me to “strike a pose” and actually being photographed without feeling awkward.  In the meantime, I’ll just post a few of these colleges of the pieces themselves.

It has been some crazy weather the last few days, 65 degrees one day, an ice storm the next. 
In my mind it is still winter, mostly because it is still so cold out, so I feel like I still should be wearing dark colors, navy, blacks, and grays. However, the official First day of Spring is just 6 days away, so I decided to brighten things up with my J. Crew neon coral top. I hope I'm not preempting anything and slightly warmer weather is on it's way. 

Top: J Crew
Shoes: Tory Burch Reva Flats (Nordstroms, Saks,

I'm pretty comfy and enjoying my new jeans. What's your favorite casual Friday outfit?

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